Meditation from Esther Chapter 9 & 10
If God is for us who can be against us? (Romans 8:31).
The concluding chapters of the book of Esther share the amazing incident of how the people who were faced with a powerful enemy, became victorious and were saved from destruction.
The concluding chapters of the book of Esther share the amazing incident of how the people who were faced with a powerful enemy, became victorious and were saved from destruction.
These two chapters show us what the Lord does to His people, who face the foe and what should be our response & responsibility to God's deliverance.
God's Doing
1. Turn Around:
The enemies of the Jews hoped to gain power over them, but it was changes to a day in which the Jews gained power over their foes (9:1).
The enemies of the Jews hoped to gain power over them, but it was changes to a day in which the Jews gained power over their foes (9:1).
The Lord turned around an impossible situation which was unfavourable to the Jews to their favour.
2. Fear:
No one could withstand the Jews, because the fear of them had fallen upon all the people (9:2).
No one could withstand the Jews, because the fear of them had fallen upon all the people (9:2).
The Jews were a minority and were supposed to fear the others. But the Lord had put fear in the hearts of the majority in regards to the minority.
3. Support:
All the officials of the provinces were supporting the Jews (9:3).
All the officials of the provinces were supporting the Jews (9:3).
The Lord brought those who opposed to their support!
4. Fame:
Added to all of this, Mordecai was powerful in the King's house and his fame spread throughout all the provinces and he grew more and more powerful (9:4).
Added to all of this, Mordecai was powerful in the King's house and his fame spread throughout all the provinces and he grew more and more powerful (9:4).
The one who was despised became popular and powerful!
Our Response & Responsibility
1. Greed-less:
The Jews defended themselves & destroyed the enemy, but they did not touch the plunder (9:10,15,16).
The Jews defended themselves & destroyed the enemy, but they did not touch the plunder (9:10,15,16).
Haman's plan was to destroy the Jews and to plunder their goods (3:13).
But though the Jews had the opportunity they did not plunder the goods of the enemy.
Greed will lay waste the grace that God supplies in our life. Mind that which is on possessions & materials will not be fruitful in fulfilling the purposes of God.
2. Gratefulness:
The Jews wanted to ever remind grateful to God for the miraculous deliverance. That's how the festival of Purim began to be celebrated (9:22,26).
The Jews wanted to ever remind grateful to God for the miraculous deliverance. That's how the festival of Purim began to be celebrated (9:22,26).
We should not forget the past, that is, our beginnings and should always remain grateful to God and to people who helped us.
3. Goodness Shared:
The Jews showed their gratefulness in action by sending gifts to one another and to the poor (9:22).
The Jews showed their gratefulness in action by sending gifts to one another and to the poor (9:22).
Our gratefulness needs to be shown in action.
4. Goodness Seeking:
Mordecai was advanced by the king, his honour, power and popularity grew. But he did not misuse his power and popularity. Rather he sought the good of the people (10:3).
Mordecai was advanced by the king, his honour, power and popularity grew. But he did not misuse his power and popularity. Rather he sought the good of the people (10:3).
If we truly know and have experienced God's deliverance, we will not misuse our position, power or popularity and will not harm people, but will only seek their good.
5. Intercede:
Mordecai also interceded for the welfare of the people (10:3).
Mordecai also interceded for the welfare of the people (10:3).
Our position is not to interrupt the welfare of people, but to intercede for their welfare and well-being.
At the face of enmity and opposition we need not be anxious and fearful, but we need to be assured in the Lord. We should never forget God's deliverance in our life and we should always live in gratefulness, for the good of the people.
Be blessed!