Tuesday, July 16, 2019

H for Haman or (In)Human?

Meditation from Esther Chapter 3

Haman is introduced in this chapter as being promoted by the king to a place of honour, but his character and life doesn't reflect godly values.

His name starts with the letter 'H' and here are four observations from his life starting with the letter H, so that we can can easily learn, relate and apply the truths to our life.

1. Honour-Seeking: The king had commanded his people to honour Haman and he was getting it. But he was troubled and infuriated because one man did not honour him! (3:2,5).

He could not accept that one man was not honouring him which shows that his identity comes from people's honour.

This is what Jesus says about the Pharisees & Scribes, "Woe to you Pharisees! For you love to have the seat of honor in the synagogues and to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces."
Luke 11:43

“Beware of the scribes, who like to walk around in long robes, and love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces, and to have the best seats in the synagogues and places of honor at banquets."
Luke 20:46

If we are troubled because someone is not honouring us, because we think we deserve honour for our age or experience or for anything in comparison with the other person, we are behaving like these Pharisees.

True honour comes from God! We are called not to seek honour, but to be humble.

2. Hatred: Haman began to hate Mordecai for not honouring him and when he learnt of his community he began to hate the whole community of Jews. (3:6)

Favouring or hating someone because of their caste or community or colour is evil. It is sad (and hypocritical) that some (or many??) Christians give importance to caste when it comes to marriage of their sons & daughters.

3. Half-Truth: Haman shared half-truth about the Jews to the king. It was true that the Jews had different laws than the people of the land, the laws God gave through Moses. But it was not true that they did not obey the Kings laws; because Haman doesn't give any evidence for that. (3:8)
Secondly, he also hid the identity of the people. Because his intention was not true or right.

Half-truth is dangerous than full lie. Because when someone says half truth, you tend to believe that the rest will be true. It is an act of deception.

We have received the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of Truth. We have not received the spirit of the devil, for only he is a 'liar and father of lies'.

4. Harming: Haman wanted to kill and destroy the Jews and he influenced the King to bring out such a decree (3:9,12,13).

He wants to destroy the people, but plunder their possessions! On the other hand godly person is more concerned about people than possessions. Godly person loves people and uses things; he does not uses people and loves things.

Haman's character and life is a learning for us on how not to be. May these truths cause true repentance and transformation in us, so that we may be godly.

Have a blessed day!

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