Thursday, February 7, 2019

Facing Difficulties and Opposition

Meditation from Ezra Chapter 5

The people of God continue to face opposition in building the house of God and in this chapter we see their response (5:3,4); from which we can learn wonderful truths to face difficulties & opposition.

1. Identity : The people of God, though they were involved in different works, they could clearly present that they are the servants of God. (5:11)
Our true identity comes not from our profession or passion but from God. Our identity is in Christ.

2. Purpose : They responded saying 'we are building...', that is they were clear about their purpose. (5:11)
Whatever work we might do, we are building the kingdom of God. That's our purpose.

3. Introspection : They could confess the errors and the consequence (5:12).
It is not about pointing out someone's mistakes but taking responsibility for it as a whole team. It is also essential to understand that one person's sin will affect the whole team & the work. Constant Introspection & correction is the sign of a healthy individual and team.

4. Resources : A summary of the entrusted resources is given (5:14).
We need to know what God and the Team has entrusted to us and should put it to use in God's work. Unless we use well what we have, we will not be entrusted more.

5. Responsibility : The resources were entrusted to a person and for the rebuilding of the temple (5:14,15).
We are called to be stewards. A steward is a one who knows that God is the owner, he owns nothing, but is responsible for everything. We need to know & take responsibility and not push away responsibilities.

6. Review : The people of God said that the work is under construction and it is not yet finished (5:16).
If we are truly responsible we will review our work. Jesus at the end of His mission on earth reported to the Father and said that he has done all that which was entrusted to Him.
We should review our work and know what we have done and what is left undone, so that it can be finished.

7. Attitude : The way the people of God responded to the king shows their attitude of humility. (5:17)
We can let go of our personal hurts,
One, because we are crucified in Christ;
Two, because we don't want the work of God to be spoiled.
Humility is not natural, but learnt and when we are humble we receive more grace.

We are servants of God, called with the purpose to build His kingdom and are entrusted with resources & responsibilities to complete the task given to us and we can do it well when we constantly Introspect ourselves & grow in humility and stewardship.

Today's Intercession :
# Pray for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections in India.
# Pray for a fair election and for no illegal & wicked plans to prosper.
# Pray that a God pleasing and Just government will be elected to power.

Have a blessed day!

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