Thursday, December 12, 2019

Choose the Good Part

Meditation from Luke Chapter 10

Life is full of choices and we face with all sorts of choices all the time. How do we make the right choices? Martha was ‘distracted’ and ‘worried and troubled about many things’ (Luke 10:40,41) and Jesus commends Mary in Luke 10:42 that she had ‘chosen the good part’. Many things can cause worry and trouble, but we are called to choose the good part and not be distracted. What is it mean to choose the good part?

1. Among Wolves, With Peace – Jesus says to His disciples, “I am sending you out like lambs into the midst of wolves…” (Luke 10:3). But he sends them with the message of Peace, “Whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace to this house!’” (10:5).

We are sent among wolves with the message of peace. We are not called to speak the language of the wolves but of the lambs and the Lamb (of God).
Let’s choose the good part of proclaiming ‘peace’ even among wolves.

2. No Purse, but Provided – Jesus tells His disciples to not carry purse, bag and sandals and also not to go from house to house (10:4,7). He also exhorts them to eat what is set before them (10:8).

We are not called to worry about money while serving God, but to trust Him to provide. We are also not to seek people after people or go from place to place to fulfill our needs, but only to proclaim His message. And whatever He provided we need to be satisfied. Going after money and greed will distract us from truly serving God.

3. Rejoice Not, Rather Rejoice – His disciples returned with joy and narrated to Jesus how even demons were subject to them (10:17). Jesus taught them, “…do not rejoice at this, that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” (10:20)

More than the joy we derive from serving God, we need to rejoice in seeking God! Our service will not be pleasing to God, if we do not seek Him! We need to choose the good part of spending time with God and need to prioritize it in our life.

Martha was distracted with much serving… Mary chose the good part of sitting at the feet of Jesus and listening to Him.

How is it possible to choose the good part and not give in to distractions?
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” (Luke 10:27)
This is possible only when we love God wholly and others as ourselves. Do we truly love God wholly and love others as ourselves?

Let us keep increasing in our love for God and others, that we may be able to choose the good part in all circumstances.

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